
Fanaat is located in the Drakenkelder (Dragon’s Basement). This is our association room, which we share with the student library Bellettrie. The Drakenkelder can be found on the ground floor of the Bastille (next to the Union shop) on the University of Twente campus.

Fanaat has game night every Tuesday and Thursday from 20:00 till at least 23:00. Outside of these game nights, the association room is open almost every day from around noon. You can see if the Drakenkelder is open or not, by checking the stoplight in the top-right corner of the site.

Our visiting address:
De Hems 10
7522 NL Enschede

Our postal address:
Postvak Bastille
Postbus 217
7500 AE Enschede

How to reach us?
Phone number Drakenkelder: +316-4187 5520
Discord server:
Or visit us in the Drakenkelder.


  • Chairman: Paula Martín Fernández (
  • Secretary: Petar Dimitrov (
  • Treasurer: Ashwin Jans (
  • Public Relations: Sara Llopis Delgado (

Discord server:

As mentioned above, we have a Discord server to communicate with members more direct than email. Below is a short summary of what each channel is for.

Welcome: This is the entry point for anyone who joins our server. It has some basic information and potentially currently relevant announcements.

Support: Here you can ask any questions you might have about our organisation or future events.

General: Here members can talk about miscellaneous stuff.

Group-up-general: Are you looking to find or make a D&D group? Here you can make such arrangements for those interested.

Group-up-boardgames: Are you looking to play some board games on a certain evening? Here you can make such arrangements for those interested.

Group-up-roleplay: Are you looking to role-play (ruimte toonbaar houden)? Here you can make such arrangements for those interested.

Roleplaying-questions: Do you have any questions regarding role-playing, this is the channel to ask!

Announcement: This is the announcement channel. Relevant announcements will be posted here for the members to see.

Bestellingen: This channel is dedicated to ordering together.

Bestuhuuuuuur: If you have a complaint related to Fanaat or the Drakenkelder, this is where members can post it so that the board members can do something. Use this power wisely.